Universitat de Barcelona
Department of Philosophy
Montalegre 6. Office 4074.  08001 Barcelona
Email: igonzalez (a) ub.edu 

Iñigo González Ricoy

I am an associate professor of political philosophy at the University of Barcelona, where I currently hold an ICREA Academia grant. 

I am also a member of the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy, and an external member of the Law & Philosophy group at UPF and of the Chaire Hoover at the Université de Louvain, where I held postdoctoral positions in the past. I have also been a visiting fellow at the Universities of Oxford, Goethe Frankfurt, and Columbia, a visiting professor at UPF and, during my PhD, which I got in 2012 at UB, a visiting student at NYU, UCL, and Minho

My research focuses on democratic theory, intergenerational and labor justice, and the political theory of the firm. I am currently working on two books: a monograph on labor-managed firms, under contract with Oxford University Press, and a collection on republicanism and labor justice, which I am coediting with José Luis Martí. I am also a coeditor of Law, Ethics & Philosophy.

Below you can see my books, articles, teaching, mentoring, and outreach. You can also check out my PhilPeople and Google Scholar profiles.


Razones públicas. Una introducción a la filosofía política, ed. with J. Queralt (Barcelona: Ariel, 2021).

Institutions for Future Generations, ed. with A. Gosseries (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). 

La voluntad de coherencia. Homenaje a JM Bermudo, ed. with L. Pla & V. Méndez (Barcelona: Horsori, 2016).


Self-Employment and Independence, in J. Jonker and G. Rozeboom, eds. Working as Equals (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

Little Republics: Authority and the Political Nature of the Firm, Philosophy & Public Affairs 50:1 (2022): 90-120. 

Intergenerational Justice and Institutions for the Long Term, in K. Goetz, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2022). 

Filosofía del trabajo y las relaciones laborales, Enciclopedia de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica 2022.

The Ballot and the Wallet: Self-Respect and the Fair Value of Political Liberties (w/ J. Queralt), European Journal of Philosophy 29:2 (2021): 410-424

No Masters Above: Testing Five Arguments for Self-Employment (w/ J. Queralt), in K. Breen & J. P. Deranty, eds. Whither Work? The Politics and Ethics of Contemporary Work (London: Routledge, 2021). 

Ownership and Control Rights in Democratic Firms: A Republican Approach, Review of Social Economy 78:3 (2020): 411-430. 

Firm Authority and Workplace Democracy: A Reply to Jacob and Neuhäuser, Ethical Theory & Moral Practice 22:4 (2019): 679-684. 

Enfranchising the Future: Climate Justice and the Representation of Future Generations (w/ F. Rey), WIREs Climate Change 10:5 (2019): 1-12. 

Dos principios retrospectivos de justicia climática, Isegoría 61 (2019): 621-640.

Review of Elizabeth Anderson, Private Government, Ethics 128:3 (2018): 642-646. 

Political Liberties and Social Equality (w/ J. Queralt), Law and Philosophy 37:6 (2018): 613-638. 

Democratic Legitimacy and the Paradox of Persisting Opposition, Journal of Applied Philosophy 34:1 (2017), 130-146. 

Legitimate Intergenerational Constitutionalism, Intergenerational Justice Review 9:2 (2016): 40-48. 

Constitutionalizing Intergenerational Provisions, in Institutions for Future Generations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). 

Designing Institutions for Future Generations (w/ A. Gosseries), in Institutions for Future Generations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). 

Instituciones intergeneracionales y cortoplacismo político, Revista española de ciencia política 41 (2016): 67-92. 

The Republican Case for Workplace Democracy, Social Theory and Practice 40:2 (2014): 232-254. 

Firms, States, and Democracy, Law, Ethics, and Philosophy 2 (2014): 32-57. 

An Account of the Democratic Staus of Constitutional Rights, Res Publica 19 (2013): 241-256. 

Depoliticising the Polls: Voting Abstention and Moral Disagreement, Politics 32:1 (2012): 46-51. 

Filosofia política (w/ M. Thaler and J. Rosas), P. Galvao, ed. A filosofia por disciplinas (Lisboa: Almedina, 2012). 

Democratizar la empresa: Un análisis desde la filosofía política, Revista de estudios políticos 148 (2010): 45-69. 

¿Cabe esperar que la democracia competitiva satisfaga las preferencias de los ciudadanos?, Revista internacional de filosofía política 34 (2009): 33-49. 


Filosofía Política 1, BA Philosophy, UB, 2016-22.

Trabajo de fin de grado, BA Philosophy, UB, 2014-16 & 2017-21.

Human Rights: History and Theory (2 grupos), MA Citizenship and Human Rights, UB, 2015-21. 

Historia de los Sistemas Sociales y Políticos (2 grupos), BA Philosophy, UB, 2014-17.

Problemas Filosóficos 2, UB, BA Philosophy, UB, 2014-15. 

Law, Justice & Legitimacy, "Study Abroad" Program, UPF, 2013-14. 

Democracy & Political Liberalism: Theoretical and Institutional Features, MA Current Democracies, UPF, 2012-13.

PhD students

Chris Zhang, dissertation on self-employment (UPF, advised w/ J. Queralt). 

Luke Newberry, dissertation on the platform economy (UPF, advised w/ J. Queralt). 

Adrián Herranz, dissertation on work and republicanism (UPF, advised w/ JL Martí).

Pablo Magaña, dissertation on the political turn in animal ethics (UPF, advised w/ JL Martí), defended in 2022.

Rubén Marciel, dissertation on democracy and the media (UPF, advised w/ JL Martí), defended in 2021.


Vindicación de la filosofía (interview), Pianista en un burdel, 2021.

El dilema de anticiparse a la Covid-19, El País, 2020. 

L'emergència del futur: Qui representa els qui encara no han nascut?, Bienal de Pensament, 2020.

Paternalismo antidemocrático, Revista de libros, 2018. 

La democràcia protegirà les generacions futures?, Diàlegs de Pedralbes, 2017.

El Brest-Litovsk catalán (w/ J. Queralt), Eldiario.es, 2017. 

Interview on Institutions for Future Generations, Filosofipods, 2017. 

Environmental Rights by Constitutional Means, Global Policy journal, 2016. 

¿Quién paga la factura climática?, El País, 2016.